Wednesday 27 July 2016

Wild Camping - Bamford Edge

Saturday 23rd July.
We haven't done any wild camping in Peak District since September 2015 and needed to make up for it. After spending most of Saturday searching for various stuff for bathroom renovation we quickly packed our backpacks and drove to Bamford in Peak District. We got there maybe around 6pm and parked at a little laybay on Ashopton Road. From there we walked to Bamford and quickly got to the top of Bamford Edge. Here is a view towards Win Hill.
Earlier we came across one of the sculptures on the Bamford Touchstones Trail representing 'Air'.
There were a few climbers on their way back home (or maybe pub?) but also there was another couple who grabbed a spot right next to the edge. We didn't want to interfere and after admiring views for a few moments wandered off east towards Stanage Edge.

Ladybower Reservoir
We managed to find a good spot for a camp in the form of a small grassy island.
The night was quite warm. I don't think the temperature ever dropped below 13°C. This was actually the bottom of the comfort temperature range on our cheap, light sleeping bags. I actually picked them for this camp exactly for that reason. There were quite a few clouds and initially we didn't think we would enjoy a spectacular sunset we were hoping for. In the end, things were not so bad and the sky started becoming interesting.
We waited until quite late with putting up a tent.
We don't use anything fancy. It's a modest Vango Nemesis 300. It's quite heavy and it annoys me a bit that the vents don't close up properly but it is spacious and should cope well with strong winds if need be. I didn't get a chance to test it like that yet but I'm sure I will get an opportunity in the UK sooner or later.
After fixing and eating a quick meal, surrounded by sheep, hairs and grouse we went to sleep.
I woke up surprisingly late i.e. around 6am, took some pictures, made some tea and enjoyed a nice, fresh morning.
View towards Stanage Edge
Morning tea in progress

We packed away our tent, made sure we didn't leave a trace and walked back to the edge. We had a little peek at the crags wondering if they ever would be within our means and then headed back to the car.

Sunday 24 July 2016


Cześć, to jest pierwszy post ! Nareszcie wziąłem się za bloga. Dziękuje Magdzie, mojej partnerce za namówienie mnie do tego. Będe teraz miał sposób na rejestrowanie naszych wycieczek. Mógłbym oczywiście poprzestać na kartce papieru schowanej w szufladzie albo katalogu na komputerze, ale przy pomocy wynalazku internetu łatwiej jest dzielić się informacją z innymi.

First one

Hi, this is the first post ! I have finally got around to create a blog. Thanks to my partner Magda for talking me into this. I will at last have a way of keeping record of our trips. I could off course use a bit of paper and hide it in the drawer or keep everything in a secret folder on my computer but it is easier to share information with others using great invention of internet.