Sunday 25 September 2016

Scrambling - Alderman Rocks

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Shortly after our scrambling course with Graham Uney I rushed to buy my own gear and was eager to start using it. I knew I had to carry on practising otherwise anything I had learned would have evaporated quickly. I wanted to find a grade 2/3 route somewhere in Peak District, not far from where Magda and I live. We went for Alderman Rocks listed in 'Scrambles In The Dark Peak' Cicerone guide.
It's a short, easily accessible scramble which I thought would be good for practising building up belays etc.
The day was supposed to be mainly dry with a murky start so we didn't set off until 10am. We took all the climbing gear, snacks, something to drink, waterproofs just in case and then as I was driving and almost reaching the car park I realized that I had forgotten our guide! Magda didn't realize what I was talking about at first and was thinking that I forgot to bring Graham ;)  Turning around, driving back home for half an hour, picking up the guide, driving back for half an hour just to reach the same point but at least we had the guide with us.
We parked in Binn Green car park on A635. The Alderman Rocks are visible from there.

There is a steep path leading towards the start of the route. One of my weaknesses is route-finding and on this occasion, it became apparent again. The key to establishing the start of the route was locating the 'Great Slab' climbing route. I regretted not having a climbing guide with me as I suspected it would have supplemented the scrambling one.
In the end, we managed to find a start of option 1 route and (I must admit awkwardly) started climbing up. The route is not really difficult and I would not be surprised seeing a climber free soloing it with ease, but for beginners like us, it makes a good playground.
Start of a route normally used as a climbers descent route

Trying to match the description from the guide book with reality
After getting to the top and sorting out all the gear we first stopped to admire the views around Chew Valley. It is actually possible to see Wilderness Gullies from there which are other very good scrambles in the area. Then we walked to the obelisk visible in the distance.
View towards Dove Stone Reservoir in Chew Valley

Memorial plaque on the way to the 'summit rocks'
On our way to the car, we returned to the start of the scramble and tried to locate the other two options listed in the guide. I was struggling to find them to be honest but I am planning to come back, most likely with a climbing guidebook this time.

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